About Alegre Coffee
Alegre company was founded by the combining expertise of food and beverage brokers, distributors and manufacturers and comprises +10 years experience in coffee capsules.

We create demand and ensure supply looking to offer both customers and suppliers all the steps of a supply chain with our vertically integrated team by offering more streamlined and opportunity-driven solutions we create better communication, better logistics and fundamentally more profitable and sustainable sales.

Dedicated to private label, we combine know-how and innovation With teams on both sides of the Atlantic, we can assist North America and some countries in Europe.
What we do
Our in-house development team creates a number of exciting product experiences around the globe
Our sole purpose is to generate quality innovative and sustainable food products.
Alegre Coffee products are cultivated in Europe in a technical processing plant with a product capacity that exceeds 80 million cups annually
Our plant’s organizational capacity consistently provides the level of food quality and safety required to meet our customer’s expectations

We do a careful selection of the finest Arabica and Robusta beans from around the world which are precisely roasted and mixed to achieve a blend of flavours full of intensity and balance.
Continuous product development to ensure a better cup of coffee and drinking experience. Our labs ensure all legal procedures and product traceability are stringently followed.
Dedicated to private label, we combine know-how and innovation with teams on both sides of the Atlantic, we can assist North America and Europe.
Alegre Coffee Brand is dedicated to compatible capsules and Evergreen to Compostable Coffee
Customer satisfaction is the basis of the organization.
Food safety is understood as a fundamental objective through a permanent attitude towards the consolidation of its position in the market.
Alegre Coffee, Lda. grinds coffee, fills coffee capsules and sells coffee and coffee-based products, understands that Food Safety is the Strategic Guidance to ensure sustained growth. Its Policy is based on the following fundamental guidelines:
• Adoption of a clear orientation towards the customer, in the sense of being recognized as a supplier of safe products;
• Create and maintain a relationship of trust between the company and its services/products with customers and suppliers, based on the guarantee and requirements of quality and food safety;
• Ensure the continuous improvement of the System from the analysis of the different data collected, also when searching for new products;
• Maintain a team of employees with the necessary skills for the activities carried out, encouraging training in order to promote motivation and improvement in the execution of tasks, including the maintenance of Good Practices, promoting a Culture of Food Safety;
• Satisfy and exceed Customers’ needs and expectations, respecting national and international standards and requirements related to Food Quality and Safety;
• Ensuring transparency and adequate and up-to-date communication both internally and externally;
• Promote a culture of ethics in the practices and attitudes of our employees, as well as relevant involvement with the various partners and local/regional communities that reinforce social responsibility practices.
Well-organized activities such as company structure, service quality, logistics, operations, marketing, sales, human resources and technological development will be able to monitor company policy and help implement the proposed strategies.
The following are established as objectives that support this policy:
– Safe and quality product;
– Stakeholder satisfaction;
– Reference company in its industry.
A satisfação dos clientes é o princípio fundamental da organização.
A Segurança alimentar é entendida como um objetivo fundamental através de uma atitude permanente no sentido da consolidação da sua posição no mercado.
A Alegre Coffee, Lda., fazendo a moagem de café, encapsulamento de café e a comercialização de café e produtos à base de café, entende que a Segurança alimentar constitui a Linha de Orientação Estratégica para garantir o crescimento sustentado. A sua Política assenta nas seguintes orientações fundamentais:
- Adoção de uma clara orientação para o cliente, no sentido de ser reconhecido como fornecedor de produtos seguros;
- Criar e manter uma relação de confiança da empresa e dos seus serviços/produtos com clientes e fornecedores tendo como base a garantia e exigências de qualidade e segurança alimentar;
- Assegurar a melhoria contínua do Sistema a partir da análise dos diferentes dados recolhidos, também na procura de novos produtos;
- Manter uma equipa de colaboradores com as competências necessárias às atividades realizadas incentivando a formação de modo a promover a motivação e melhoria na execução das tarefas incluindo a manutenção das Boas Práticas, promovendo a cultura de segurança alimentar;
- Satisfazer e superar as necessidades e expetativas dos Clientes respeitando as Normas e requisitos nacionais e internacionais relacionados com a qualidade e segurança alimentar;
- Garantir transparência e comunicação adequada e atualizada quer a nível interno como externo;
- Promover uma cultura de ética nas práticas e atitudes dos nossos colaboradores, bem como uma envolvência relevante com os diversos parceiros e comunidades locais/ regionais que reforce as práticas de responsabilidade social.
- Atividades bem organizadas como a estrutura de empresa, qualidade de serviço, logística, operações, marketing, vendas, recursos humanos e desenvolvimento tecnológico vão conseguir efetuar o acompanhamento da política de empresa e ajudar a executar as estratégias propostas.
São estabelecidos como objetivos que suportam esta política:
– Produto seguro e de qualidade;
– Satisfação das partes interessadas;
– Empresa de referência no setor.